Package Plans Available
1. Single Individual Researched/1 Parent – $600
2. Single Individual Researched/Both Parents – $950
3. Two Individuals Researched/1 Parent – $950
4. Two Individuals Researched/Both Parents – $1500
5. More Than Two Individuals – Contact for discount
Do You Require Locate or Add-On Services?
(Locate services include research for up to five hours; includes one
maternal OR paternal line search)
1. Locate Service – $750
2. Specialty DNA Projects – *Variable
Obtaining DNA Samples Via Irregular Means (Other than cheek swab)
Familial DNA Website Creation, Domain and Hosting Services
Note: costs vary depending upon project requirements; ordering of DNA kits cost not included; locate services not included. For a comprehensive list of DNA options, contact us and we will be happy to discuss.